End notes

Appendix 2:

Glass Beams

Table of acronyms

A2IM – American Association of Independent Music (US): A non-profit trade association representing independent record labels in the United States.

ABMI – Associação Brasileira da Música Independente: A trade association representing independent record labels in Brazil.

AIM Association of Independent Music (UK): A non-profit trade association representing the independent music industry in the United Kingdom.

AIMP Association of Independent Music Publishers: A non‑profit organization representing the interests of independent music publishers and songwriters.

BPI – British Phonographic Industry (UK): A trade association representing the interests of the British recorded music industry, including record labels and recording artists.

CISAC – International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers: A non-profit organization representing collective management and rights organizations for creators and copyright holders worldwide, across repertoires (music, audiovisual, drama, literature, and visual arts). 

CMOs – Collective Management Organizations: Intermediary organizations in the music industry which represent the performance and mechanical rights of songwriters, composers and music publishers. 

DSP – Digital Service Provider: Online platforms or services that feature music, in the form of albums or singles, as key elements in their product. While DSPs are inclusive of download stores like iTunes and Bandcamp, the term is most often used to refer to interactive streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. 

EU – European Union: A supranational political and economic union of 27 European countries, enabling its members to collaborate on common policies and initiatives.

FÉLIN – Fédération Nationale des Labels et Distributeurs Indépendants: A trade association representing the independent music industry in France.

IFPI – International Federation of the Phonographic Industry: A non-profit organization representing the recorded music industry worldwide.

IMF – International Monetary Fund: An international organization of 190 member countries that promotes global economic stability and cooperation around financial and monetary policy.

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association (Europe): A non-profit trade association representing independent European music companies and labels.

IMPF – International Music Publishers International Forum: A global network and advocacy organization representing the interests of music publishers.

ISS – Interactive Streaming Services: Digital streaming platforms (DSPs) where listeners may select the individual songs that are played. These services are also often referred to as ‘on-demand’ platforms and include the likes of Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal, and more.

MMF – Music Managers Forum: A non-profit professional organization representing the interests of music managers within the music industry worldwide.

NISS – Non-Interactive Streaming Services: Digital streaming platforms where listeners do not have the ability to select the individual songs that are played. Internet radio stations like SiriusXM and Pandora fall into this category.

NMPA National Music Publishers Association (US): A trade association representing the interests of music publishers in the United States.

ORCA – Organization for Recorded Culture and Arts: A think tank of independent music labels committed to increasing music’s economic, social, and cultural value.

PROs – Performing Rights Organizations: Intermediary organizations in the music industry that represent the performance rights of songwriters, composers, and music publishers.

RIAA – Recording Industry Association of America (US):
A trade association representing the recorded music industry in the United States.

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: An agency within the United Nations system focused on promoting international cooperation and collaboration around the fields of education, science, culture, and communication.

VUT – Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmer*innen e. V.: A trade association representing the independent music industry in Germany.

WIN Worldwide Independent Network: A global network of trade associations representing the interests of the independent music community worldwide.

WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization: An agency within the United Nations system focused on promoting cooperation and collaboration around protecting intellectual property (IP) rights worldwide.

Note on currency

All financial figures presented in this report are denominated in United States Dollars (USD), unless otherwise specified.

Thank you

Richard James Burgess, President and CEO, A2IM

Carolina Dalla Chiesa, Assistant Professor of Cultural Economics and Organizations, Erasmus University

Alice Clarke, Design & Web Development, Alice Clarke Studio

Gee Davy, Interim CEO, AIM

Gord Dimitrieff, Owner, Aporia Records

Noah Fralick, Artist Manager, Huxley Management

Heather Kelly, Artist Manager, Picnic Artists

Ryan Matteson, President and Artist Manager, Ten Atoms

Silvia Montello, former CEO, AIM

Paul Pacifico, CEO, Saudi Music Commission

Noemí Planas, CEO, WIN

Dalton Sim, Founder and Artist Manager, Good Harbor Music

Jeremy Sirota, CEO, Merlin

Helen Smith, Executive Chair, IMPALA

Ariel Sommer, Consultant